


California Governor Gavin Newsom's declaration of a state of emergency due to the bird flu outbreak has sparked controversy over its necessity. The H5N1 strain currently affecting poultry has not shown human-to-human transmission, with mild human cases linked solely to direct animal contact. Critics argue that the panic may be exaggerated and could serve hidden agendas, such as promoting plant-based diets or justifying gain-of-function research. While the outbreak raises concerns for farmers, experts emphasize that it poses minimal risk to the general public, urging for transparency and accurate information rather than fearmongering. For more details, visit the full article.

El H5M1 es una infección gripal, que se inició predominantemente en aves de corral y patos. Hasta la fecha, no se ha registrado ninguna transmisión del H5N1 de persona a persona. Pero la preocupación, es que cada vez más las aves están infectando a los mamíferos y se teme que el virus evolucione y desarrolle la capacidad de infectar a los humanos.
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